Having healthy hair takes more than just putting various products on your tresses. You also have to think of what you put inside your body too. The standard advice given when being asked on how to have a healthy and beautiful head of hair always involves using shampoos and conditioners, but in order to have the most beautiful locks, the answer can be found in the kitchen and not in the showers. Food is an essential part of our body’s nourishment. We get the necessary minerals and nutrients that our body needs to be strong and be healthy.
Lucinda Ellery reviews some of the food that make a good foundation for having healthy hair:
Dark Green Vegetables
Spinach and broccoli are some of the vegetables that are excellent sources of vitamins A and C - vitamins that the body need to produce sebum. The oily substance sebum is the body’s natural hair conditioner.
Salmon is best known for being rich with omega-3 fatty acids that are needed to support your scalp health.
Brazil nuts are nature’s gift best known for being a good sources of selenium, an important mineral for having a healthy scalp. Walnuts contain alpha-linolenic acid, a type of omega-3 acid that could help condition your hair. Walnuts are also rich in iron, perfect for fighting zinc deficiency that can lead to hair shedding.
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